Thursday, September 15, 2011

Welcome E. Van Lowe! Author of Boyfriend from Hell! Guest Blog and My Review!

A huge welcome to E. Van Lowe! Thank you so much for joining me here at The Book Faery! I absolutely LOVED Boyfriend From Hell and I am so curious to know just what kind of music Satan would listen to, if he were a music listening kinda dude? Care for a little insight for us readers?

Satan’s Playlist

I am often asked if I have playlists for the books I write, which got me thinking. One of the key characters in my new novel, Boyfriend from Hell is Satan himself. What music do you suppose would be burnin’ up Satan’s ipod? I thought I’d have a little fun with it. Here is my take on Satan’s Playlist:

I believe Satan has to be a serious rocker, so I am certain Bat Out Of Hell by Meatloaf would be high up on his list; along with Hotel California by The Eagles. He’d round out his rock list with a little metal: Hells Bells by AC/DC, and what devil doesn’t listen to The Rolling Stones: It Must Be Hell, along with another Stone’s hit, Sympathy for The Devil. Yeah, I bet Satan really loves that one.

When Satan is in the mood for classic Rock & Roll you know he’s banging The Devil With The Blue Dress On, by Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels. When he’s in a somber mood he’ll pop on Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. On those disco days when Satan’s gotta get his hustle on, you know he’s listening to Burn Baby Burn Disco Inferno by The Tramps. Rounding out his mix he’s got to have something by The Boss, I’m On Fire and, of course, The King, Devil in Disguise.

Those, in no particular order, are my top 10 songs on Satan’s Playlist. I’d love to hear what songs you think he’d listen to. If you’re interested in checking out Boyfriend From Hell, the first four chapters (pdf) are available for free right now on my website. Readers can go to and click on the Boyfriend From Hell Sample link to get it. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Peace.

Wow! I love a lot of those songs! I saw Mitch Ryder play 'unofficially' at a bar called Septembers in Detroit a *few* years back and lets just say he sang a few bars of Devil in a Blue Dress before he fell of the table! True story, that! Excellent picks!!!

Thanks so much for being here! I loved Boyfriend from Hell and absolutely cannot wait for the next installment! Hurry it up, will ya!

The Book Faery's View of Boyfriend From Hell:

Boyfriend from Hell was such a surprise! It had all the characteristics I love in a good book! A super great heroine, who has a sense of humor, is a bit whiney yet shows growth throughout the book, a super freaktastic paranormal element that’s more than a tad creepy and a really unique tale that sets it apart from the rest of the genre!
Poor Megan is used to having her mom to herself but when her mom starts dating and then her two best friends hook up, she’s feeling pretty sorry for herself---that is until Guy enters the picture. It’s then when all Hell breaks loose-literally!

Boyfriend from Hell by E. Van Lowe was the perfect summer read-like a chocolate mousse-not to heavy and not to light-just deliciously perfect. There are plenty of plot twists, suspense and definite thrills but the biggest thing is Megan’s sense of humor! Despite the subject matter, Megan had me snorting through half the book-I loved it!

Warning: There’s a cliffie so watch for the next in the series! Personally, I can’t wait! I'd recommend this book to all my buddies!

You can read more about the author here:


  1. Not a fan of the cliffie, but this sounds like a lot of fun! Oh and if Hotel California wasn't on there I'd really question if it was the devil! LOL What a fun post!

  2. Oh this sounds like such a fun read! :) Glad it was a nice surprise for you and you enjoyed it. :) Thank you for the wonderful review.

  3. Ha! Such a fun post. I love playlists, and for sure Satan would be a serious rocker!

    Thanks for this post. I hadn't heard of this book before, but it sounds great.

    Kristi, I hope you feel better soon. *hugs*

  4. thats a great playlist :)

  5. I remember seeing this book and thinking I wanted to read it! Thanks for the review! Now I'll put it on the list! That is one seriously hot play list-get it?? My husband would love it-big classic rock & Stones fan. Great post!


  6. Lol, I like Satan's playlist :)
    Great review too! The book sounds fun, and a bit strange, gotta love that
