Friday, September 16, 2011

Descended by Blood Blog Post by Author Angeline Kace and Fantastic GIVEAWAY!

Win this signed book, bookmarks and gorgeous nail polish!

Angeline! How awesome to have you here at The Book Faery! I am so very honored to have you here! I adored your book, Descended in Blood! What a generous giveaway! To everyone who ENTERS THE GIVEAWAY, LEAVE A POST WITH YOUR EMAIL! I'll be choosing by! I'm so excited to find out about 'What's in a Name' and how you chose the names throughout the book-they're all unique, sexy and fun! Please, tell us your process!

Character Names

When I started writing Descended by Blood, I figured out the three main characters that I was going to write, and then I named them: Brooke, Jaren, and Mirko. I choose Brooke for the main character because I thought it sounded like a name a tough chick would have. That's really what it came down to. I have a thing for the "K" sound. I think it sounds hard core. And since I'm inclined to the sound of the letter "K", I really tried to minimize that as I was naming other characters in the story. And going into the story, you never realize how many names you're going to need. You could start writing a scene, and then all of a sudden a person you didn't know becomes a part of the story, and they now need a name.

I started plotting the story with werewolves as an opposing race to the vampires. And Mirko started out as a werewolf named Kimber. Do you see the whole "K" thing I have going on here? Well, when I took out the werewolves--of course I had to, I was already writing a book about vampires and the endless Twilight comparisons were already guaranteed-- Kimber no longer fit for who would now be a Vampire. I originally choose Kimber because it sounds all woodsy and wolfy. Well, when I figured out that a lesser race of vampires would work better for my story, Kimber was all wrong.

I ended up chosing the name Mirko for the hot, protector vampire because I had already figured out at this point that my vampires would originate from Croatia. Then I had to figure out the back story of some of these characters. Mikro's over 300 years old, and was born before the vampires migrated to the US from Croatia, so he'd have to have a Croatian name. I already had some Croatian names that would already sound really foreign to most of my readers, Jelena, Lijepa, Zladislov, ect, so I needed a name that still fit the Croatian region, but was a little less foreign.

The hubs and I are pretty big fans of the UFC, and one fighter from Croatia is named Mirko. UFC has really gotten popular lately, so I figured the name Mirko had become more mainstream. And thus, it became Mirko's name.

Jaren's a character that I really like. Yeah, he can be a stupid teenage boy sometimes, but I really like him, so I named Jaren as an honor to hubs. Hubs' middle name is Jared, but I just couldn't handle naming my character Jared because I knew one throughout junior high that just ruined that name for me. So, I had to switch it up, and Jaren was what I came up with.

And this brings me full circle to the problem with repetitive letters for names. In my effort to keep "K"s to a minimum, I ended up running rampid with letter "J" names. I had Jelena and Jaren, but then other "J' names snuck in. Zack was originally J.D. Holly Ann was Jaylee, and even the bridal shop lady was Judy before I changed her to Betty, and then final settled on Mary.

Names for characters is something that, for me, ended up taking a lot more thought than I would have anticipated. As the writer, you are writing those names tons of times, and then as a reader, those names get read over and over again, so you need to get it right. Oh, and I mustn't forget Kaitlynn! BFF of the century. So, in the tradition of Sesame Street, this post was brought to you by the letter "K". ;)

Thanks for much for hosting me, Kristi! You have been such a fun blogger to work with!

Again, thank you so much for hosting me Kristi! You have been such a sweet and optimistic person to get to know! I wish you nothing but the best! ♥


Same Right back atcha, Angeline!

Here's my review of Descended by Blood by Angeline Kace-Go Team Mirko!

Descended by Blood by Angeline Kace is captivating! Beautifully written, it enthralls the reader in non-stop suspense, intrigue, chills and thrills. Combine this with a smoldering love triangle and you’ve got a book that isn’t easy to put down!

Brooke is finally comfortable, living the life of a normal teen instead of moving around where ever the wind blows her mom. She finally has a bestie, Kaitlynn, and is dating the boy she’s been drooling over for over a year-one hunka burnin’ love named Jaren. Just as she’s settling down and getting quite comfy with her new found love, everything changes. Brooke finds out that all isn’t as it seems, she is more than she seems and because of this, she’s in grave danger as are her friends and mom.

Brooke is sent away to a compound along with Kaitlynn and Jaren with the aid of Mirko-Now there’s another hunka burnin’ love for ya! Mirko’s charged with training Brooke and there’s undeniable heat there. Thus the love triangle that is smokin’ hot! Two hot guys after Brooke along with some seriously bad butt vamps can do a lot to blow a girls mind; things start happening at a dizzying pace. Brooke starts to gain some confidence and the more she does, the stronger she becomes. Brooke is a heroine that I really related to, she has this great sense of inner morality; she’s strong and cares more for others than herself. There’s so much going on in her life that she has to deal with and when the truth comes out, it’s shocking and scary as heck.

The only thing I disliked about this book was the cliffie at the end! It was fantastic yet made me yearn for Angeline’s next book in the series ‘Enemy Within’ like I yearn for chocolate and coffee! It just can’t come soon enough!


  1. Descended by Blood sounds great :)

  2. Great giveaway I've heard so many good things about this book.


  3. Lol, brought to you by the letter K, cute. And great post, all the stuff about choosing names was really interesting even though I haven't read Descended By Blood yet. The giveaway is awesome and thank you so much but is it international? I couldn't see if it said so anywhere.


  4. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Loved the post :)

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  5. Angeline is fantastic, isn't she! Descended by Blood Rocks and I CANNOT wait for Enemy Within!

    This is one of the few Vamp Books that I've really enjoyed lately. It seems like I lost my lust :o] for them but I got right back into the groove of things once I started reading about Brooke, Jaren and Mirko!

    My heart lies with Mirko but it's a close race with Jaren, we'll just have to see!

  6. I like Mirko name, but then again, I have a thing for names that start with "M". Glad the letter M won out! :)

  7. Thanks for the opportunity!


  8. Thanks this was great to read ! :)

  9. I liked all the info about how the names were chosen for the book. Its really sweet that one was done as a tribute to your hubby =)
    Thanks for the giveaway. Im very excited for the book.

  10. Oh I like those names and how popular Mirko has become. Great post and this author sounds like a doll!

    Do enter me!
    books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

  11. Thank you soooo much for hosting me today, Kristi! It's been such a pleasure working with you. And I'm very happy that you loved the book! :)

    Good luck to everyone entering the giveaway! Thank you all for visiting!

  12. Love the cover & the storyline!!

  13. this book sounds really good! Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. I loved the author's name dilemma! And as always your sparkling review makes the book very tempting! If I don't win, it's going on the TBR list! Great review girlie!

    You know where to find me!

  15. Such a fantastic guest post! I love getting background information on things like names, I would have a heck of a time picking them out for my characters (if I wrote any). I know I would switch a hundred times before I landed on one:) Thanks so much for the giveaway too!

  16. I can't wait to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Great giveaway!

    wordspelunker at gmail dot com

  18. I don't think I have this one on my list yet! It sounds like a really good read! Thanks for sharing your review of the book!

  19. I LOVED Descended by Blood, but Angeline already knows that! LOL

  20. Great giveaway!!!

  21. Your obsession with the letter K is hilarious! Seriously! I'm smiling really hard right about now :) :) :) It's funny how we, us humans, can get obsessed with certain things in that way.

    I love the name Mirko and Jaren :)


  22. This sounds like such a fun book, loving the "K" names as well. And I also love that the vamps are from Croatia!

    Thanks for this giveaway. And INGENIOUS idea of including nail polish. You're like catering to all of my needs!

    amber.hkrns at gmail dot com

  23. Awesome giveaway!

  24. This was a fun post! I'm looking forward to reading this one :) thanks for the giveaway!


    MyMercurialMuse (at) gmail (dot) com

  25. great giveaway!
    follow via gfc

  26. I love the name Mirko and I love his character. He is hard core but he has a loving side to him and he is definitely feeling Brooke. She makes him happy and feel things he hasn't felt in a long time. I would love to win a copy of Descended By Blood.

  27. This sounds great! I would love to be entered. :)

  28. thanks for the giveaway!

  29. Wonderful post! :) I always think it's neat to learn how characters get their names. :) Thank you for sharing that here.

    And sounds like a wonderful read. :)

  30. Thanks for the awesome post and giveaway!

  31. I've been seeing this cover all over and added it ages ago to my wishlist.


    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
