Saturday, April 30, 2011

OSR Winners-See Below!


  1. That's so generous of you Kristi! I forgot to do mine yesterday. I was having computer troubles still after getting my computer back supposedly repaired. And I was a hosting a blog tour for two really great writer/illustrators so I was busy there. Hope you're doing okay!


  2. That's Okay, SFAM! I'm not starting them until Saturday the 8th!

    I need to finish my button and set up a Mr. Linky and then promote! Hopefully, I can get some help with the promoting!

    Still having computer trouble!!! The Geek Squad better get it together!

  3. Well David got them to admit they screwed up so they halfway fixed the problem. My computer crashed when they were backing it up. Thankfully I have an external hard drive and had backed everything up a few days earlier. Still, I lost all my programs, all my Kindle books like that free copy of Wings. And I can't locate some of my software. So I've been busy trying to get things up to speed. I can't get into my writing because it's all password protected so you know I'm freaking out!

