Meet Roxy. She’s a sometimes vegan, always broke artist with a heart the size of Texas and an ex living in her spare bedroom. Her life is messy, but with the help of a few good friends and by the grace of the goddess Venus she’ll discover that good sex, true love, and her life’s purpose are all closer than she realizes.
Bridget Jones penned a diary; Roxy writes letters. Specifically: she writes letters to her hapless, rent-avoidant ex-boyfriend—and current roommate—Everett. This charming and funny twenty-something is under-employed (and under-romanced), and she’s decidedly fed up with the indignities she endures as a deli maid at Whole Foods (the original), and the dismaying speed at which her beloved Austin is becoming corporatized. When a new Lululemon pops up at the intersection of Sixth and Lamar where the old Waterloo Video used to be, Roxy can stay silent no longer.
As her letters to Everett become less about overdue rent and more about the state of her life, Roxy realizes she’s ready to be the heroine of her own story. She decides to team up with her two best friends to save Austin—and rescue Roxy’s love life—in whatever way they can. But can this spunky, unforgettable millennial keep Austin weird, avoid arrest, and find romance—and even creative inspiration—in the process?
TITLE: The Roxy Letters
AUTHOR: Mary Pauline Lowry
FORMAT: Physical and Audiobook
PUBLISHER: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1982121432
The Roxy Letters by Mary Pauline Lowry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed The Roxy Letters and I both listened to it and read it, all in the space of two days; thanks to the kindness of Simon & Schuster and Libro FM. At the beginning, I found Roxy to be a tad annoying and a bit self-absorbed but as the story moves on, Roxy develops insight; it’s refreshing to see how her letters begin to change from the beginning to the end. I’m happy I was able to listen to this along with reading because it was an all-together different experience. The cadence and inflection of the narrators’ voice really changed the way I looked at Roxy. Was she stuck in her own self-induced stagnation? Working the same job in the deli at Whole Foods because she wasn’t driven to change or was it because life had just happened in a succession of the same misguided efforts at happiness that seemed to blend in to years.
The Roxy Letters is a story of one woman’s journey to self-discovery and is fully centered around Roxy writing letters to Everett, her ex-boyfriend who is now a roommate out of necessity. She uses these letters to communicate her grievances with him but soon they become a therapeutic outlet against everything that’s going wrong in her world. Focusing on the injustices of the world and her town of Austin, Texas. There are many comical moments, some sad, and some that address a lot of the problems in todays world. A fun read and a wonderful audiobook. Adapting to the format of Roxy’s letter writing is the biggest hurdle, once done, it’s a very enjoyable read!
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