Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday # 38

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine weekly to spotlight each bloggers most jonesed after book that week. It's a fantastic way to learn about what new books are coming out and also what your blogger buddies are eagerly anticipating!

I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

[Sorry I haven't posted-Mr. Stomach Virus decided to stop over and Vacay and 'GET IN MY BELLY' (said in my best Fat B*ST*RD voice!)-it's still torturing me but feeling better! [Took out the personal stuff]

Anyways, that's besides the point! I have much more exciting news!

This week I am most anxiously, most jonesing, most wanting to fill my addiction for:

RACHEL CAINE'S New Addition to the Wicked Awesome MORGANVILLE VAMPIRE series:


This is Book Twelve in the series and I still can't get enough of Morganville and  the Glass House residents Michael, Eve, Shane and our super-girl Claire. I miss the vampires and with everything that happened in LAST BREATH, I am especially anxious for Black Dawn!

Published by Penquin-Razorbill it is due out on May 1, 2011 and is 360 pages long but this is just in ARC form, it may be longer or shorter-let us hope longer!

Without further adieu, I give you the most gorgeous Claire Danvers who graces the cover and a short synopsis on the book!

In Last Breath, the rain brought a new and dire threat to Morganville and its vampires... their ancient enemies, the draug. Now, the vampires are fighting a losing war, and it will fall to the residents of the Glass House: Michael, Eve, Shane and Claire, to take the fight to an enemy who threatens to destroy the town, forever.

Lovers of Morganville, rejoice: Black Dawn takes the intrigue, romance and nail-biting suspense of the series to its highest level yet!

I cannot wait!  Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is jonesing for!!! Happy Hump Day to all! The weeks almost over and as always, HAPPY READING!


  1. I haven't read any of this series but have heard great things about it. I'm going to have to start it one day!
    Shellie @ Creative Reads

    1. You'll love it! You're lucky, you'll have 12 books to read before you have to wait for the 13th!

  2. I still haven't read this series! It's on my eventual to do list!! Have soooo many other books I am dying to read, but I do love the cover!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Love me some Rachel Caine...a TX author!


  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, sweetie, I'm feeling better this evening.

      Still waiting for Black Dawn but I can't seem to get anything out of Penguin!

      Anyone have any hints?

  5. I still need to get into that series. Looks so good.

    I hope you are feeling so much better. I know I'm a total wimp when it comes to the tummy. Take care of yourself!!

    1. Me, too! I hate having nausea! I'd rather just hurl and get it over with but not so with this virus! You can hurl and hurl and it doesn't seem to get much better.

      My Docs think it's a bad strain of the Norovirus that's going around all over Michigan. Could've gotten it from the blood, could've gotten it from touching something obviously nasty---blech!

      Thanks, though-I am feeling better today :o]
