Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Book Boyfriend #1

This is always so tough because I have many many book boyfriends and of course, they all adore me. I really don't want to hurt my Beefy Boy's feelings so I did a draw, you know how sensitive these boys can be!

1 - First I have Will from the Angelfire series, I had to choose him because that boy has put up with an awful lot from Ellie with no joy, if you know what I mean. He's got it goin' on - Hair to Toes, well, you judge!

That's Jensen Ackles, btw, from my favorite show Supernatural. He plays in Supernatural and "I'm Gonna Marry That Boy Someday" (sing along with me...)
Not sure how my hubby will feel about that... LOL

2 - Ahhhhh.... Mirko from Angeline Kace's most excellent book, Descended in Blood. Yes, I know there's already a picture of him but this is kind of how I pictured him whilst reading about his sexy self.

Sexy, smart-ass and always smiling with dimples yet a little dark like Mirko. Can I help it if that was the only season I watched Dancing with the Stars?

3 - Next, I am picking Jace from The Mortal Instruments series. I love Jace, I think he's one Kick-Ass, Sexy, Tough yet Sensitive dude.
I think the picture of Jace already is perfect, I'm not sure I could do much better but I'll give it a try.

That's Chris Zylka from Secret Circle and I think he has a Jace like appeal to him and mighty fine Bone Structure, doncha think?

4-Next is Logan from the Mythos Academy series by Jennifer Estep. Logan is a Spartan and he's all raw energy and loves to fight. This is why our gypsy girl, Gwen is so in love with him but also because she knows his more sensitive side.

I don't know who he is, but I likes him---ALOT! He rocks my wings!

5-Last but certainly not least is Forbidden by Syrie James and her son Ryan James. Faery-tastic book, loved it! Alec MacKenzie is a swoon worthy scottish babe with soulful looks, girls surrounding him constantly but he harbors a secret love for someone else. See my review tomorrow! There's something about Alec that just got to me-he has his moments of jerkiness but he also has moments that melted my heart. This is how I pictured him the whole time I was reading.

Real men are not afraid to be seen sitting on the pooper! I'd be sitting on the sink, reading meaningful poetry to him to help him relax and have a more relaxing 'moving of the mail'

Yes, that is the swoon worthy, sexy as all-get-out Alex Pettyfer-see, they even have extremely close names!

Thanks to Missie of The Unread Reader for her weekly meme MY BOOK BOYFRIEND! Go sign up and participate! This was my first time and I had lots of fun!


  1. This is a fabulous first post! I could spend an embarrassing amount of time just staring at those pictures plus I love your commentary. There are some new-to-me guys here that I will definitely check out!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairytale Reviews

    1. Thanks so much Jennifer! I know I didn't do it right but I still had a great time doing it!

      I'm off to visit everyone else's pics! I'm excited to see the BB's! :o]

  2. I say---claim them all! What a way to claim all those yummy characters :)

  3. *dies of all the hotness*

    Seriously. I just stared at these pictures for about 5 minutes without a single coherent thought coming to mind other than "want". SO PRETTY! I love Jensen Ackles so much *pets picture*

    Such a delicious post, thanks Kristi!

    1. Thanks, Jenny <3!

      I love my Winchester boys so much! Jenson/Dean just pulls at my heart strings! I've seen every episode at least 4 times (except this season) and Dean is just the perfect guy in every way.
      The reason it took me so long to do this post is because I was gawking at all the pictures of Jenson! It was so difficult to pick just one...

      Thanks so much for the wonderful comment :o]

  4. *faints* it is just far to hot on this page! HEHE horrible joke I KNO! :P BUT damn these boys are hotties! Great first post ! I absolutely LOOOOVE it!

    Check out mine if you're interested! It is Alex from Delirium by Lauren Olive



  5. KRISTI!!! Oh, chica, Believe me, you could never mess up a MBB post where you show me that many HOT guys. I'm in heaven here. Seriously, I'm loving your pick for Jace. I don't know that actor, but I'm gonna have to look him up! And so funny about the pooper comment. Alex looks like he is in deep thought there.

  6. Missie, I had so much fun with this meme! I'm going to do it every week :o]

    You're brilliant, my Chica!

    When I went back and saw that you picked Alex for Jace I LOL! He is pure raw hotness on silk sheets with an open window and white curtains gently billowing.... Big Sigh....Oh Alex, would you...Could you... awww, forget it! Teeheez!

  7. LOL, it's true!

    You have a great day, too, Heidi!

  8. I keep seeing Team Mirko buttons around so I am so curious about that book. I have been meaning to read it based solely off of all the love Mirko seems to get. I also want to read Forbidden, Angelfire, and the Mythos Academy series. Great picks!

  9. Oh I'm going to have a tough time concentrating. :-)

  10. I love this! Don't you just LOVE book boyfriends!

  11. HAHA!!!! Me likes him A LOT! Dude... I'm having a new one RIGHT NOW... For next week! Lol

  12. LOL Real men aren't afraid of being seen on the pooper! Oh I needed that laugh! *snicker*

    Oh and I think all this hotness should be in my man harem. What? You say I'm greedy? Oh yea... when it comes to this much hotness... I think we ALL have the right to be that greedy!

    Oh yes... would all look great in my man harem... *sigh*

  13. Oh no! You are going to torment me with sexy men too!?! lol.

    I love Jace too!!! you might have a few wrestling for him. lol.

    Hope you are doing well. ANd not in to much pain. :) Take care hon! *hugs*

  14. You sure have some good picks there. The only one I'm familiar with is Jace and I haven't quite gotten to the appeal part of him yet. I'm hoping to get there soon becauue you all rave about him dso much

  15. OMG "moving of the mail" hahahahahaha lmao!!!!!! That was awesome!! :) And Alex Pettyfer is HOT!! Same with Jensen! I wish Alex would have chosen to play Jace in the Mortal Instrument Movies. :)
