What's In My MailBox is a great way for bloggers to share what they've received over the week(s) from the library, for review, what they've bought, what they've traded or what's been gifted to them in the form of BOOKS! Of course, we get books in so many other ways, too! Share your treasures with others!
I haven't done an WIMM in a while since my computer crashed and my blog went down! I'm not sure where to start! I'll go for my reviews first!
Oh, I know I have missed so many! That will teach me to wait but in my defense, my computer/blog troubles haven't made it easy! Being an eternal optimist I threw a major giveaway to celebrate instead of weeping on my keyboard :o]
There's many more books coming my way! I can't wait to see what everyone else has received, read or reviewed this week! Happy Monday and Independence Day to all my Blogger Buddies!
What an awesome book haul. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour. It's okay. Sometimes we have computer problems. It happens.